Dec 23, 2014

Top 5 Places to Thrift {Feature: AshevilleBlog}

I'm over at Asheville Blog today with my article "Top 5 Places to Thrift!
If you're local....then head on over and check it out!

Dec 22, 2014

Geese Girl

 Flannel: Woolrich, Top: Family Dollar, Jeans: Lee Curvy Skinny, Shoes: Minnetonka Moccasins 
Shop this Look at bottom of page!

I was setting up to take these photos a little further down the road when a car pulled up behind me. I immediately thought "oh crap, what have I done now?".  Is the owner of this abandoned factory going to tell me to get the heck off of his property? Am I getting ready to be abducted? They don't realize I have the personality of Spongebob and would quickly change their mind after 10 minutes with me. Well it was none of that. It was actually a very kind gentleman that told me there were about 100 Canadian geese at the lake just a few minutes down the road and it might make for some good photos. I thought that sounded like a good idea and I packed up and headed to the lake. Best decision I made all day (I don't make very many decisions). The lake was perfect for photos.

*A Day in the Life of One Girl is an amazon affiliate*

Dec 18, 2014

#LoveYourGuts H2PRObiotics AND Gingerbread Cookie Smoothie Recipe!

I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to pack those fun little holiday finger foods in my mouth like a chipmunk storing food for the winter. It's fun while it's happening, but my gut suffers the next day or so. We won't even mention all of the coughs and sniffles that go around at those parties too. That's why when H2PRO contacted me to ask if I was interested in trying their probiotic + vitamin supplements, I was immediately on board! It's time to get my gut back in order AND fight off all those holiday germs!

Just what are probiotics and why should you care? You should read this!

According to Dr. Baumgarten, family physician and founder of H2PRO Probiotics + Vitamins:

"The good bacteria living in your GI tract support many important body functions including digestion, metabolism, immunity and some functions of your brain. They assist in the breakdown of the food, support the absorption of important nutrients, and can even influence your metabolism, thereby helping you maintain a healthy body weight.

The GI tract is also responsible for up to 80% of your immune function to fight infections.”

H2PRO has released the first of its formulas, which was designed specifically to support immune health. It comes in packets of flavorless probiotic and vitamin powder that can be added to any beverage or food of your choice that's under 102 degrees and an Acai Berry powder that can also be mixed into water or other drinks. H2PRO is a gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, 100% vegan and zero calorie option for making probiotics a no-hassle part of your daily routine.

I eat a majority Paleo diet. I may cheat once a week on a special meal but I'm mostly gluten free, dairy free and legume free. The H2PRO formula fits my requirements perfectly. I was able to sample both the flavorless as well as the Acai Berry, which is lightly sweetened with Stevia. I mixed the Acai Berry with about 12 ounces of water and added some frozen raspberries for a little extra sass. I am not a huge alternative sweetener fan, but this was very refreshing without being too bold. You could mix it with only 8 ounces of water if you wanted a bit more flavor, or go up to 16 ounces for a more watered down taste, which is kind of how I like it.

I can definitely tell that I do get a ever so slight energy boost from the mixes. It's not like a jolt you would get from drinking coffee, but definitely a subtle, healthy way to shake off the afternoon blahs. The good bacteria that has been added to my gut with this supplement does not leave me in the bathroom like yucky food does. 

I love supporting local businesses, and if you're here in Asheville or the surrounding areas and want to give it a try, H2PRO is available bottled and in packet form in nearby stores, yoga centers, pharmacies! Cool, right?

You really need to take time out and #LoveYourGuts, and I’ve created a tasty Gingerbread smoothie recipe to get you started. It is a great way for you to incorporate probiotics into your diet!

I have been craving gingerbread cookies so I thought this would be a great way to tackle that craving! 

Here's what you will need:

1 packet of H2PRO Probiotic+Vitamins flavorless
1 cup almond milk
1 Tbsp almond butter
1 frozen banana
1 Tbsp honey
1/2 tsp fresh grated ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground clove
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground ginger
pinch of salt
(you can add more or less spices to suit your taste level)

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Serve in a festive glass and garnish with cinnamon or nutmeg.

Delicious! It was nice and spicy! Just what I was hoping for. Not only was it tasty to drink it was packed with wonderful vitamins and healthy probiotics!

Shop for H2PRO products locally with this store locator or online at their Amazon Store: H2PRO

*As always, all reviews and opinions are my own. Samples c/o H2PRO*

Dec 15, 2014

DIY Ugly Christmas Sweater @ Asheville Grit


Head on over to Asheville Grit today to check out my 3 different themed ugly Christmas sweaters! I had such a fun time putting them together. You gotta see the back of these babies! 

Dec 12, 2014

Giveaway Winner!

Congrats!!! I hope you love your very own copy of Craft Fail! May it bring laughter, shaking of the head and murmurings of "bless their hearts"!

Dec 9, 2014

A Target Wishlist

Everyone knows that a trip to Target can turn into a very, very dangerous thing. You might go in for toothpaste and come out with a whole new living room. To slow my roll, I created a wishlist. I shared it with you. So you can now come with  me to the dark side. You're welcome.

Shop here!

*One Girl blog is an affiliate for Target. All opinions and choices are my own*

Dec 4, 2014

Just a quick note...

While listening to my favorite local talk radio station I heard a good reminder: be grateful. You hear that a lot this time of year with the holiday season and such. It reminded me that I haven't told you guys lately that I do really appreciate you stopping by and reading, commenting or just meandering through my posts. I am always excited to hear what you have to say. I love to make connections and I love blogging. I am always willing to come by and check out your site as well so just let me know where you are! 

So with that I would like to say THANK YOU! You're awesome! :)

Dec 3, 2014

Gingerbread Girl

Velvet Blazer: Thrifted Gap (similar) but check the thrift shops because these suckers are everywhere, Top: Thrifted Motherhood Maternity I think! Lol (similar), Jeans: Lee Curvy, Boots: Bongo, Necklace: Modcloth (similar)

My dear, sweet cousin Maggie invited me and the hubs to go with them and the rest of my dad's side of the family to the Grove Park Inn for the Annual Gingerbread Competition. They display the winning entries and what seemed to be just the top 10 this year. In previous years they have had a lot more entries on display. I believe they are scaling back because it is just getting so, so very crowded. My guess is the guests that are staying at the Inn (and plopping down a large chunk of change) might be getting claustrophobic with the huge crowds coming to look at the gingerbread houses. Now that I mention it, there aren't really very many gingerbread "houses" much anymore! There is everything but houses. People are very inventive with these edible creations! 

 Well I better show you the grand prize winner right? I'm not sure if they win an actual prize or just bragging rights. Anyway, the title was Pawn Stars.  So much detail! 

Here's Brian having too much fun in the background photo bombing my video. Listen to his devilish laugh!

Check this one out. Trojan Horse - one of my faves!

You can see the Grove Park Inn in the background of this photo below. It has such a beautifully haunting appearance that makes it so captivating. I can't help but think of F. Scott Fitzgerald every time I come. Great Gatsby - one of my all time favorite books - starts playing over and over in my mind. It never gets old.

See what I mean about there not being a ton of gingerbread "houses"?

These three were from the youth category, I believe.

The wonderful aroma is so enticing! Makes you want to stop and eat gingerbread cookies immediately!

The gorgeous, monstrous fireplace in the lobby. I think I've taken about 10 different pictures in front of this fireplace over my lifetime. There is an identical one across the room. Definitely castle-worthy fires here.

I picked up an adorable little fox shaped lip gloss. He just had to get in on a photo. He's suppose to be going into my stocking. Suppose to. 

Dec 2, 2014

Coffee Shop Mornings Girl

Sweater: Thrifted Coldwater Creek; Pants: Kohl's, Boots: Dolce Vita, Bag: Ebay (shop the look below!)

My hubby and I love spending Saturday mornings at one of the local coffee shops sipping on lattes and listening to our favorite tunes. We both get so much done when we go. The atmosphere makes me so productive for some reason. We get to splurge on coffee shop mornings maybe twice a month so when we do get to go it's pretty special. So special that I put on my faux leather pants no doubt! What?!? For some reason I have this way of hoarding my "good" clothes and keeping them for only nights that we go out on dates. Since extravagant date nights are such a rare treat now that I am a stay at home mom and we're on one income, I'm going to have to start wearing the special outfits even when we just go grab coffee. I'm also very curious and slightly obsessed with the capsule wardrobe idea going around. I may try to commit to one. Or maybe not. What I like about a minimal wardrobe is that everything hanging in your closet is #1) Something you LOVE and #2) Something that fits exceptionally well. Makes getting ready every morning so much easier! I'll let you know if I take the plunge and eliminate half my wardrobe. Eeek!

*One Girl is an amazon affiliate. Purchases made from amazon links may generate income for this blog*

Dec 1, 2014

Last of the Leaves Girl

 Cardigan: Eddie Bauer (similar only $18.80!), Dress: Asos via Ebay (similar), Boots: Eddie Bauer (similar), Belt: Thrifted

I shot these photos back when there were still some beautiful, vibrant, leaves on the trees. They are long gone now! All that is left is a lot of raking. A lot of raking.

Nov 26, 2014

Craft Fail Book Feature AND...a GIVEAWAY!

Hey guys! We all love a good Pinterest session. But sometimes the effort just doesn't pay off. This is where some of the funniest stuff happens.

If you've been following One Girl for a while you will remember back when I tried and failed at spray painting a pair of heels hot pink. Check it out here in case you want a nice laugh. Well lucky for me that fail turned into a win! I uploaded my fail to the ever awesome blog Craft Fail and low and behold I got featured in their book that they just published! My terrible neon pink shoes can be found in Craft Fail, When Homemade Goes Horribly Wrong by Heather Mann. I love it! Check it out! 

My pitiful shoes in all their glory on page 26!

I have been cracking up at this book with every page turn. Here's some of the other fails.


 I've got an extra copy that I can send to one of you! 

Enter in the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of Craft Fail. All you need to do is just make sure you're a follower of A Day in the Life of One Girl in Google Friend Connect and you're set! Enter for more chances to win by liking my facebook page. Good Luck! Giveaway will be open until December 11th.