A few days ago, I was listening to one of my new favorite podcasts, Hot Takes and Deep Dives. Jess, the host, had two guests on who have their own podcast, All I Want 2 Do Is Talk About Madonna.
And I love it.
Needless to say after listening to Jess, Mark, and Kenny have a super fun conversation about all things Madonna, I immediately went and subscribed to Mark and Kenny's podcast
(by the way, I use Overcast for my podcast listening. Highly recommend!)
Here's the deal.
They are in it to win it. They are covering every song from every album one by one.
Like, wait. What?!
Yep, every single one. They are currently on Season 5! I had no idea how much I needed this podcast in my life. I scrolled for what felt like 2 hours to get to the bottom of the page so I could start from the very beginning. I love being a completist.

The first album, the first song on side one: Lucky Star. (Remember when you used to have to flip the cassette over to get to side 2?)
Lucky Star
I am having so much FUN.
They go song by song and chat about everything you can imagine about the song/album (even tours!). They get into what was going on at the time, where Madonna was in her development, who she was working with or dating, and any additional super fun tidbits of juicy info. I seem to be about their same age so I can relate. You can tell Mark and Kenny are lifelong fans and know exactly what they are talking about. Man! They have their sh&t together! Very organized, succinct short episodes that are packed with fun and details.
It's like I am wrapping up in a warm, nostalgic, teenage blanket and it feels so comforting. I've made it to episode 29 which is Where's the Party from her True Blue album. Ain't no stopping me now! I'm even watching the tours on youtube. I highly recommend it if you are needing something fun in your life.