Aaaand we're back. Sorry for the long absence. We took a much needed vacation down to the beach to celebrate the 4th of July. I'm so glad we did because the weather was terrible here at home for the fireworks but it was great where we were! What a blessing. I really built up fireworks to my son this year because he is finally old enough to really know what's going on and not be frightened.
Before we left, I had a ton of leftover corn tortillas and wanted to find a really delicious recipe that could use up the rest of them. I found lots of savory recipes but fell head over heels when I saw this sweet treat. I got the basic idea from this
recipe. I added the strawberries and honey and then eventually added chocolate syrup to the last few. Yum. I left a few plain ones too because my little guy doesn't like honey. But
I thought the honey was as a great addition.
The recipe said to put a little oil in the pan and bring it to medium heat/high heat. I cut my corn tortillas into triangles - because I'm daring like that.
They brown quickly! So be ready to move them to some paper towels with a paper bag underneath. Some of the oil still got through to my counter. I just cleaned up afterwards but if you are concerned about your surface you may need to put some plastic wrap under the bag/paper towel.
I made a little cinnamon plus sugar mixture and sprinkled one side, flipped them, and sprinkled the other side.
At this point - YUM
I chopped up some strawberries. Here's my unglamorous workstation.
Final product!
These were seriously super tasty. And I felt like I had done something really impressive! Like Food Network style or something. The possibilities are endless. Plain, with cinnamon, with sugar, both, chocolate syrup, honey or all of the above. The only way to mess these up is to walk away from the oil while the tortillas are in there to go do something really productive like check your email or sweep and then you come back and they're dark brown. Toss! Good thing I had a lot of tortillas.
I'm wondering if maybe I should try a ranch-type chip next time. Or a chipotle? Let me know if you have made your own chips!