Saturday was festival day so we spent some time listening to beach music, drinking beer from plastic cups and looking at kitschy knickknacks from the street vendors. Later that night we took a stroll down to our favorite Irish pub that has become a favorite part of each voyage to the beach. We sat down on the back deck and let the ocean become our entertainment. Brian asked if we could catch the last bit of sunshine on the sand before it disappeared. Over the sand dunes and down onto the sand, Brian took off his shoes while I watched the ocean keep a steady pace. Rarely do I take in the current moment. I am mostly living two steps ahead with fuzzy memories of the past, at best. Memories that seem to escape me unless I put my life to music. Then they all seem to come rushing back at once with the break neck speed of a hurricane or tsunami. But at this moment, I remember forcing myself to stop. I watched the waves and listened to what was being said to me. Brian was telling me of his need for me and how I have become his best friend. I, of course, reciprocated each heart felt confession with one of my own. We nestled in each others arms; full of contentment and hope. I even mentioned that he had just said his vows to me and laughed at how easy it was. "See!" I said, "It could be that easy, ya know". We both laughed it off and walked back towards the dunes. Stopping to gather his shoes, he asked if I would like to build a sand castle. I, living two moments a head of this one, wondered why because I was getting hungry and I could bet a dollar he was starving. I chuckled and threw out a handful of words that meant something to the effect of "okayyyy..." Then I saw in his hand something shiny...and beautiful. I shrieked "Brian! Look at what you've found!" Immediately, I begin to think of the closest pawn shop. No silly. That diamond is for you. For me? Why?
He was down on one knee as he placed the ring on my finger. He asked me if I would marry him.
Of course, I said.
His parents and son were waiting at a table on that back deck that we had ventured off of only a few minutes ago. They had stealthily made their way in without me noticing. But then again, I missed all of the other clues that had whizzed by me that day and night too. We ate dinner and enjoyed our new friend on my left hand.
Thank you Brian, for inviting me into your life and asking me to stay - forever.
I love you.