May 21, 2013

DIY Garlic Butter Spread

I have started making my own garlic bread since we are on a tight budget and we always seem to have leftover hot dog buns (the country-girl's breadstick) or hamburger buns. To make a plain old piece of bread taste like garlic bread I needed some tasty butter to go on top. Usually I would whip up some plain garlic butter spread each and every time so to save me some steps I decided to make a bigger batch so I could have some on hand.

What you'll need:

Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Parsley Flakes
a clean used butter tub, small tupperware container or any type of container with a lid
spoon or tablespoon

What I did first was scoop about 1 cup of butter (not exact - just eyeball it) and put it into my empty container. It really depends on how much you want to make at a time.

Next, I measure about 1 Tablespoon of garlic powder (you do NOT have to use this much OR you can use MORE!!)
Then I added a few shakes of onion powder and a few shakes of parsley flakes. Like I said - none of this is exact measuring. Make it a little more onion-y or a little less - more parsley or no parsley. Totally up to you.

Mix well...

and refrigerate! I scribbled "Garlic Butter Spread" on the side of the tub so no one would grab it and think it was regular butter and have a kitchen moment melt down.
Yum. Anxiously awaiting Baked Spaghetti night....



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