Apr 28, 2016

What Podcasts To Listen To {My Faves}

photo source

I LOVE a great podcast. I listen to them while driving, walking on the treadmill, running or cleaning the house. Most of the time I am listening to a podcast rather than music. Unless I am grocery shopping. I can't concentrate on a podcast while I'm trying to check off every item from my list. I have a huge list since I only grocery shop once every 2 weeks. Other than that...you can catch me listening to a podcast!

I love true crime, historical, silly, funny...whatever! 

I wanted to list for you some of my favorites in case you are just getting your feet wet in the podcast scene or you are an old pro and need someone to dish with! Please let me know if there are some of your favorites on this list OR if you have a great recommendation!

I listen to my podcasts from my iPhone with the Overcast app. Here's a few that I love (in no particular order)

#1) Serial

Let's face it. This is probably THE most popular podcast. Maybe. I mean, I don't officially have the statistics but surely to goodness it's got to be up there. Season One was my favorite. Season Two is great too but doesn't come close to the awesomeness of Season One. Plus, there are SO MANY podcasts that were spinoffs of Serial Season One ALONE. I mean, it was the one that got me hooked, so....
In case you have been living under a rock, Serial Season One is about the true crime story involving Adnan Syed. More info here

Take my word for it, when you get done with Serial Season One you will feel as lost as a baby deer without it's mother. Bambi lost. You will need closure and you will need it BAD. That's where Undisclosed comes in. It is a VERY detailed and informative podcast. Sometimes it got overwhelmingly detailed and intense but that's ok. It gave me the information I was needing to cope with Serial Season One being over. Ya'll I needed help after it was over. So it was very welcomed! I also tried listening to the Truth & Justice podcast but never really fell in love with it. But it is a good one to listen to so you can get your Adnan Syed fix.

This is ANOTHER podcast that was created because the need to discuss Serial Season One was so great. BUT they offer so much more. The four podcasters are hilarious and very well informed. I like the open forum style and their different backgrounds. They also get into Serial Season Two which is a very lively discussion. As always, I needed someone to help me process each episode of Serial every week. These guys also talk about awesome tv shows like People vs. O.J. Simpson, Downton Abbey, and Making a Murderer. 

This one is a missing person case that is over 10 years old. So you may be asking yourself...why would I listen to something that happened so long ago? I think it makes it that much more intriguing. Maura Murray seemed to basically vanished into thin air a very long time ago and the hosts (Lance and Tim) go over a ton of information. Lots of mystery, intrigue and surprises.

This is another true crime podcast with the difference being that they take on a different case each episode. It was interesting to hear their take on the recent Steven Avery case and the older Scott Peterson case. Aaron and Justin do a great job at giving you a lot of information in a clear and organized manner. It's very easy to follow and they really stick to the facts. They do offer their commentary on the case or the incidents but they don't let it over take the facts.

#6) This American Life

This podcast is great just because of the variety. The subject of the podcast varies as much as the colors of the rainbow. It can be about the pressures of middle school, addiction, the environment, current events, really anything that happens in every day life. These are even safe to have on around the kids (The host, Ira Glass, will warn you if there is going to be bad language)

#7) 99% Invisibile

This podcast is basically a mini This American Life. Roman Mars is the host and his voice is so soothing. He tackles a ton of fun, interesting and thought provoking stuff. The episodes are less than 30 minutes each.

#8) Pop Culture Happy Hour

A group of 4 (I think) people get together and talk about movies that are out, tv shows that are great, new albums that have been released, and really just anything that pertains to Pop Culture. Some are around and hour long and some are "small batches" and are under 10 minutes. It's a very helpful podcast when The Oscars come around. I love analyzing the nominees and the winners.

#9) Criminal 

Phoebe Judge is the host and she is a great storyteller. Her voice is one of the best! So soothing and so calm. Each episode she brings a short story about, well, a criminal or a crime that happened. Another true crime one, yes. Phoebe seems to take on a lot of stories that are local to North Carolina, which I like since I live in NC.

#10) Mystery Show

A modern day Nancy Drew is what Starlee (the host) is. It's super fun and light. As far as I know there is only season one but I hope she is coming back for a season two!! This is not just about true crime. Starlee takes on any mystery that she has discovered herself or a suggestion from a friend. One time she went on a hunt for a lunchbox. I know, that sounds boring but wait until you hear what kind of lunchbox... This was THE first podcast I ever listened to and I was HOOKED.

Here is a list of some more that I have in my Overcast app:

11. Embedded (takes a news story and goes deeper)
12. Hidden Brain (cool stuff broken down and explained)
13. Lore (creepy folklore stories - so good!)
14. The Moth (true stories told live by the author themself)
15. Netfreaks (Netflix series commentaries - really helpful!)
16. RadioLab (similar to This American Life)
17. Us & Them (Almost like mini documentaries about important subjects)
18. You Must Remember This (all about old Hollywood)
19. Detective (true stories from a retired detective - so good)
20. Invisibilia (similar to 99% invisible but with two female hosts - so good too!)

For you locals:
*Asheville Folk (always a good discussion about everything Asheville!)
*AVL Food Fans (I mean, you gotta listen to Stu tell you everything about the Avl Food scene)
*Finding Asheville (interviews with Ashevillians about their businesses, artistry, etc. with a awesome co-host I love to support. Hi Emily!)


Apr 26, 2016

Camouflage Girl

Just having fun with this outfit! I cut several inches off of the bottom of these boyfriend jeans (these are literal guys jeans) to wear them more as capri jeans. Which is pretty weird I know...boyfriend capri jeans? Really? But I just went with it.

The waist isn't the best fit so suspenders are actually needed. I went with the weirdness and just added to it with a camo shirt and checkered Vans sneaks!

Outfit details:
Camo tee: Amazon
Jeans: Thrifted Men's Levi's
Vans: Amazon
Earrings: H&M
Suspenders: Thrifted

Apr 25, 2016

Happy Birthday

My little man turned 9 on Sunday...MAN oh man I cannot believe it. I can't believe he is going to be leaving 3rd grade soon and heading into 4th. I am so so so glad that I get to spend as much time with him as I do. Since I've been able to put working on hold and be a stay at home mom I have been able to see him so much more than I used to. I'm so thankful for that.

I love this little guy with all of my heart! Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!!! Stop growing NOW!

Springtime Girl

Here's to another Monday! Hope you guys have a great week!

Outfit Details:
Cardigan: Forever 21
Top: H&M
Jeans: NY&Co
Boots: Dillards

Don't forget to enter the Mother's Day Giveaway! There are 2 different prize packs. One prize pack has a $50 Amazon gift card!!! plus a ton more stuff! 

Enter here:

Enter to Win Prize Pack #2 Here:

(Ideal for those living near Western North Carolina)

Apr 18, 2016

Life Lately {Spring Has Sprung}

I am hoping that the nice weather is HERE TO STAY!!!

I've been trying to slow life down a bit and not hyper focus on any one thing. I am so bad to do that. I get my claws into something and I don't let go. I took a vacation day from working out and watching what I eat. Turned into 2 days really and about a half of a 3rd day! This week I am back to exercising but just doing it at the gym. I'll be back to T25 next week. I am one week away from finishing the Beta phase. Anyhoo...

We finally got Riley's "tire" swing up and he LOVES it.

I love seeing these little lambs in the field near my house. SO adorable.

We celebrated Riley's birthday with some of his friends from school at the gymnastics spot down the road. SO much fun.

We celebrated our 4 year anniversary on the down low by just walking around downtown and doing whatever popped out at us. It was a lot of fun.

Our first date was at Vincenzo's downtown so of course we strolled by there. It's now closed which is sad but it's still adorable to look at!

We tried a new Indian spot and it was very tasty! I broke away from my same ole' same ole' and tried a curry dish instead of Saag Paneer. DELICIOUS.

There is the longest line ever in front of French Broad Chocolate Lounge and that's to be expected. It's a great place for chocolate. But if you don't want to wait an hour, this place is just as tasty! It's called Chocolate Gems. Yums. And they also have gelato :)

We took an awesome 2 mile hike up to Mt. Pisgah. It was so breathtaking at the top. We brought a monocular and we were able to spot the Biltmore Estate and the Grove Park Inn. Too cool! Oh and we saw a lot of smoke in the distance and sure enough when we got back to internet there was a horrible brush fire that got very out of hand and burned a lot of acres. Close to our neck of the woods! Not good!

What are you guys doing?

Oh and don't forget to enter our Mother's Day Giveaways. There are two prize packs!

Apr 11, 2016

TWO Marvelous Mother's Day Giveaways!

I'm partnering up again with my awesome friend Stephanie from 30 Shades of Stephanie to bring you not one but TWO awesome Mother's Day Giveaways!!!

Sit back, relax, kick your feet up because we've done your Mother's Day shopping for you! Feel free to wrap this up for your mom, grandmother, favorite lady in your life or TREAT YO' SELF!

Whoever ends up with it...will be happy. Let's put it that way!

The first Prize Pack is worth $80 and the second Prize Pack (we're suggesting only locals apply for this prize pack) is worth $50! 

Prize Pack Number One includes:

An Amazon Gift Card for $50

A Home Depot Gift Card for $10

A set of gardening gloves to plant those beautiful flowers you just bought from Home Depot :)

A gorgeous necklace from Versona (pictured above)

Prize Pack Number Two includes:

A Manicure and a Pedicure from CiCi Nails here in Asheville, NC

A brand new beautiful Essie nail polish 

TO enter for MOTHER'S DAY GIVEAWAY #1 go here:

TO enter for MOTHER'S DAY GIVEAWAY #2 (Warning - you will need to be close to Asheville, NC to enjoy this prize!) go here:

To enter to win the prizes you must complete the submit forms, if you do not submit the proper information you will be disqualified. To enter you must be 18 years or older or have a parent’s permission. The value of prize package one is $80.00 and the value of prize package two is $50.00. For prize package two you will need to live close to Asheville, NC as the prize is for a local company. The giveaway will run until 11:59pm on April th and two winners will be chosen at random the following day where the winner will have 24 hours to claim prize. 

Apr 5, 2016

Something Tasty {Cauliflower Rice}

So cauliflower is NOT my favorite veggie. But I can handle it "riced" and not get angry. It's ok mashed but still not my favorite. If I do make mashed cauliflower then I have to stir in just a little bit of real mashed potatoes...just to make it right. I mean if I am being REALLY strict like I was when I was eating Paleo then I would add several steps like squeezing the mashed cali through cheesecloth to get rid of all of the moisture to make it more potato-y like. So laborious!

Now that you can find cauliflower already cut up, making rice with it is just...easy.

Here's how I do it:

I used light butter this go around. Sometimes I use coconut oil. Sometimes I just spray the pan with a little bit of cooking spray. I add a little bit of garlic, salt, pepper and parsley.

Cauliflower Crumbles are AWESOME! I hate chopping cauliflower! It flies everywhere!

I let it get a good sizzle in the pan. After about 5 or 6 minutes I turn off the heat. I like it to still have a little bit of a bite to it. Don't cook it to long or it will be mushy.

That's it! I put it under chicken and gravy for a low carb dinner!

Apr 4, 2016

Black, White & Pink All Over Girl

I am in love with this sheer dress! I can't wait to wear it with a skirt and tank for summer! I just adore the print. 

Outfit details:
Sheer Dress: Amazon
Tank & Leggings: Old Navy
Ankle Boots: Seychelles

Apr 2, 2016

Peacock Feather Girl

I haven't officially went out of the house with open toe shoes yet. A good compromise is cowboy (cowgirl?) boots!