This weekend's roundup goes a little something like this: Friday night was plagued with 2 lackluster movies. I rented Nine - the musical. It was...not so good. This was made to shine on Broadway and it should stay there. Unfortunately, it was made into a film and well, thats that. I mean, of course, everything is better live and on stage, but there are a few times when movies do make the cut when it comes to transitioning from the stage to film. But this was just a showcase of a crap load of well known movie stars with no particular depth of character. I turned it off about 1/2 way. That was after I got up and went to grab my laptop and got sidetracked with internet flashiness. So I think I watched it for a total of 30 minutes.
Later on, we started watching The Road. The post-apocalyptic story line had me at the word "survive". Viggo Mortensen was perfect in the role as the dad. As usual - is there anything this guy can't do without conviction? The author of the book was the same guy that wrote No County for Old Men so I had high hopes. And it did deliver, but not all the way. Definitely a good watch and I have no regrets. Just have a few things I need to tell the author, director and whoever else about how I would've made it better. Ya know, I'm just saying...
Most of Saturday was taken up by Beer City 2010. Yet another way for us Ashevillians to get together and drink beer, listen to music and laugh with friends. Perfect! I think it was a great way to kick of the new Roger McGuire Green (aka Pack Plaza) in downtown. The Splashville fountain was working its magic making people happy and giddy. It was sticky, sweaty and all good. I had busted my ass at the gym earlier that morning so I could down a few and not feel like cussing myself out later. It helped.
Sunday was the day I was determined to make it to the Farmer's Market. I was having a ravishing need for a tomato. And a cucumber. And Italian dressing to drizzle over top of it. YES! I ended up buying way more than just a tomato and cucumber. I found mountain cherries which are so sour my mouth is watering right now just writing about them. I also found the best peaches on the planet. Got a little bit of sourwood honey. Just for safe keeping. In case the apocalypse comes tomorrow. Everyone will want my sourwood and I will allow them a two licks per month. For a price.
Brian tried to coax me to go canoeing but I just couldn't muster up THAT much energy. I mean, do you know how much I sweated at the Beer City festival yesterday? That was so hard!
We finished up Sunday night by watch 2 more mediokre movies. The Fourth Kind (yes - I'm just getting around to watching it, I know!) ended up just making me frustrated because it tried to trick me (and that's not hard) into believing it was a documentary in parts. HA! I'm sure I was the only one fooled. Then onto Wolfman. I fell asleep. I think I would've made it a little longer but it was just too late. I mean, 9:30 on a Sunday is pushing it for me. I've stayed up too late Friday and Saturday and I end up like a grandma on Sunday night.
I think I'm going to listen to my radio now.
i would definitely pay for two licks of sourwood after an apocalypse!
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