May 26, 2015

Long Time Coming Girl

I have desperately needed a haircut for a very, very long time. And I finally made it happen! I know you're thinking..."You got a haircut? It looks the SAME". Well, you're right. I only got a trim. I am letting the layers grow out and I am keeping it as long as I can without it looking unhealthy. I will be a long haired gal for a while more. I figure when I get into my golden years - whenever that may be - I'll go short then. Plus I went through a short hair phase in my mid twenties and loved it but it was hard to maintain. My hair is so thick. For my hair a short bob requires a lot of taming. 

Here's a close up of my cut in case you're like me and gather lots of hairstyle inspiration on Pinterest! I have long layers which are just slightly above the very bottom. It is cut in a v-shape so it is slightly shorter in the front, A v-cut is my favorite. A blunt cut just does not look attractive on me. I do have old highlights that are growing out. Which would be perfect for some MORE highlights on the end in an ombre! But I would be so late to the ombre game. My bangs have grown out! Wooooo! After blow drying she curled it with a large barrel curling iron and used hair spray.


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