Oct 13, 2015

Gold Accents at Home {DIY}

Nothing groundbreaking here! Just a small tweak to make a boring set of candle holders a little sweeter! 

I have done a little bit of redecorating in our living room after we finally got a new couch - YAY!

 and I noticed these little black candle holders were looking just a wee bit sad. I knew I wanted to add gold accents but I didn't have any gold paint. I wasn't going to let that stop me. I remembered I had some gold fingernail polish! Perfect!

Oct 11, 2015

Halloween Date Night Giveaway Winner!

Oct 5, 2015

French Words Girl

Like my frawnch tee shirt? I didn't know what the heck it meant at the time I bought it but the colors, the length and the fabric was perfect so it came home with me. Now I know that it in English it translates to "Young and Beautiful" which is so silly! Ah well.

Outfit details:
Tee: H&M
Jeans: thrifted
Boots: Madden Girl

Guys! Don't forget to enter the "All Treats No Tricks" Fall/Halloween Date Night GIVEAWAY!

GO here!

Oct 3, 2015

Fall Date Night Girl... Plus a Halloween GIVEAWAY!

Fall is in the air...October is here...and it's time to start thinking about Halloween! The corn maze is open here in town and the haunted tours are up and running. It's time to get SCARED!!!

I love October because, well, Halloween! My wheels are turning all year long with Halloween costume ideas. In the past I've been. Wednesday Addams, a Ghostbuster, girl from the Robert Palmer video, Princess Peach, and a dead alley cat. Ahh...so fun being dead. 

What are you going to be for Halloween?

Now onto the GIVEAWAY!!!

I am teaming up with Stephanie over at 30 Shades of Stephanie to bring you guys a Horror Date Night prize pack worth $110! Be sure to visit her blog and check out her date night outfit

It's time to plan a spooky date night for this scary season. We've put together the perfect package to get you started.

Check it out:

In this prize pack is:

2 Movie Tickets to a Regal Entertainment Group theater so you can get scared out of your seats!

2 Haunted Lazoom Tour Tickets so you can get totally creeped out!

2 VIP Pinhead's Graveyard Tickets...better be able to run fast!

and some Reese's Pumpkins, Candy Corn, Ghost Peeps, and Pumpkin Spice Latte candy bars that you can hand out in this spooky little tray or keep for yourself!!

Enter to Win (entry methods listed in the Rafflecopter widget below)!
 The giveaway is open to US residents age 17 and older (due to haunter tour age restrictions).The giveaway will be open until October 10th. The winner will be chosen at random on October 11th. The giveaway winner will have 24 hours to notify either one of us or another winner will be chosen at random. 

Good Luck! Or should I say....break a leg...while you're running from Pinhead...OoooOOOOoooOOOooo