Dec 19, 2013

DIY Kids Santa Beard

Here's a fun and easy craft that my son made the other night. He ended up adding to it and continued on crafting for another 20 minutes or so. It was a perfect starter project for some self directed playing time! Or more commonly known as mommy-can-get-some-things-done-time!

I started by taking a piece of cardboard and cutting out a "chin" with a place for a mouth.

Then I gave my little guy the cotton balls and glue. I let him decide where and how to put the cotton balls on. Sometimes my obsessive way of doing it comes out as "control freak"! I let him be abstract. If some cardboard shows, some cardboard shows. Whatevs.

Tape a popsicle stick onto the back


 Like I said, my son wanted to keep going. So I cut out some "eyes" and a hat. He taped and taped and taped all three pieces together and colored and glued his little heart out.


Unknown said...

Wow! This is crazy adorable! Lovely idea! Hope you have enjoyed the holidays & Happy New Year to you & your family ;D

<3 Carsla
Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

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